
Django-inline-media comes with two filters and one tag:

  • filter render_inlines
  • filter extract_inlines

Load the templatetag module to use them in your templates:

{% load inlines %}

Filter: render_inlines

Renders inlines in a text by passing them through inline templates.


{{ <field>|render_inlines }}

Inline Syntax (singular):

<inline type="<app_name>.<model_name>" id="<id>" class="<cssclass>" />

Inline Syntax (plural):

<inline type="<app_name>.<model_name>" ids="<id>, <id>, <id>" />
An inline template will be used to render the inline. Templates will be located in the following maner:
The template will be passed the following context:
  • object: an object for the corresponding passed id, or
  • object_list: a list of objects for the corresponding ids.

It would be wise to anticipate both object_list and object unless you know for sure one or the other will only be present.

Example usage:

{{ object.body|render_inlines }}

Filter: extract_inlines

Extract inlines from a text.


{{ <field>|extract_inlines }}

Example usage:

{% for inline in object.body|extract_inlines %}
  {% ifequal inline.content_type "inline_media.picture" %}
    {% include "inline_media/inline_media_picture.html" with object=inline.object class=inline.class %}
  {% endifequal %}
{% endfor %}